SMAA Winter Basketball has returned for the 2023 - 2024 season and registration is open for Boys and Girls Kindergarten through 8th grade.
With the 2023 - 2024 season we are continuing with our divisions as noted below in accordance with guidelines set by USA Basketball and other governing bodies.
*Kindergarten (coed 8' basket)The Kindergarten division is designed to introduce our youngest players to the concepts of basketball in a ‘clinic-style’ where, starting in January, they will practice for roughly half of their one-hour weekly session and apply those just-learned concepts in a game for the remaining time (see additional details for the Kindergarten age group in Practices section below).
*1st - 2nd Grade Boys (8' basket)
*1st - 2nd Grade Girls (8' basket)
*3rd - 4th Grade Boys (8'basket)
*3rd - 4th Grade Girls (8' basket)
*5th - 6th Grade Boys (10' basket)
*5th - 6th Grade Girls (10' basket)
*7th - 8th Grade Boys (10' basket)
*7th - 8th Grade Girls (10' basket)
Boys and girls (all age groups) will have up to 2 practices in December either during the week at night, or on the weekends. (Days, location and times TBD).Starting in January, our goal is for all age groups (except Kindergarten) to practice one night per week in January and February (Days, location and times TBD). During the season, Kindergarten will have ½ practice and ½ game, once/week.
for all age groups, will take place each weekend in January & February.NOTE: In January, when games begin for all age groups, Kindergarten teams will meet once/week with a split practice/game in a one-hour session (as detailed in Divisions section above).
End of Season
Pizza parties will be provided for all teams in all age groups. Trophies will be provided for Kindergarten and 1st -2nd Grade age groups.
For any parent who would like to coach their child, please email Joseph D'Elia at If you have another parent that you would like to coach with, please provide that information, as well.
***We are not taking requests.*** Two kids get on the same team only if their parents offer to coach together.
Coaches Meeting
Coaches Meeting will take place TBD in the St. Mary's School Cafeteria. For coaching requirements, please go to the Coach’s page at
Parent Participation
Any parent wishing to provide support beyond coaching (i.e. opening / closing, setting up of gyms on practice/game days, equipment handout, etc), please email Basketball Director, Joseph D'Elia at